Tommy bloggt Some things that matter to me

Introduce my PHP time conversion library

Some time ago I saw this tweet from @dantleech.

I know a library that converts some things, called “php-conversion” from Christoffer Niska. It can be found here. But this library has more than one context for conversion and is a less good API in my opinion.

While thinking about the problem, the PHP implementation of Martin Fowler’s money pattern came to my mind. And in Germany there’s a saying: “Time is money”. So why can’t currencies be time units? ;-)

So I implemented this pattern for time and the result of this idea is now available on The library comes with three logic parts. Converting, comparing and operating.

To understand that, here’s an example:

use TM\TimeConversion\Time;
use TM\TimeConversion\Unit;

// initialization
$tenWeeks = Time::fromValue(10.0, Unit::WEEK);

// convert
$tenWeeksInDays = $tenWeeks->convert(Unit::DAY);

echo $tenWeeksInDays->getAmount(); // 70

// compare
var_dump($tenWeeks->equals($tenWeeksInDays)); // true

// operate -> subtract
echo $tenWeekInDays->subtract(Time::fromValue(10, Unit::DAY)); // 60

More examples can be found here.

I don’t care if this solves Dan’s problem but it was a lot of fun for me to implement and test this library. And maybe someone is searching a fully unit-tested and working library to handle time.